
Posts Tagged ‘fruit’

The Healthy Green Drink Diet: advice and recipes to energize, alkalize, lose weight and feel great by Jason Manheim  ISBN 978-1616084738

The Healthy Green Drink Diet by Jason Manheim

The Healthy Green Drink Diet by Jason Manheim

I first learned about green drinks a year or two ago when I read a book by Victoria Butenko.  She is a vegan / raw foodist who believes that if you follow the diet of the chimpanzee — mostly greens, then fruit/vegetables and some nuts — then you will get all the nutrients you need.  She is very interested in getting the exact nutrient levels of all kinds of greens: from lambs quarters to kale and she shows that some of these greens are full of great nutrients.

So when I saw this book on the shelf I had to take it out.  Jason also makes some great points: an acidic body is more likely to exhibit disease (Otto Heinrich Warburg’s Nobel Prize winning research), boosting immune system, and weight loss.

The American Cancer Society tells us we need to eat 5 to 7 servings of fruits and veggies every day with some greens.  If you counted what vegetables you ate today would you have succeeded in the Cancer Society recommendations?  I would have — for I just drank my green drink for lunch!  Roughly 2+ cups of kale, a pear, an apple, and some frozen tropical fruit blend.  Two quarts of green drink was my lunch.  I love it and it is so easy.  Some days I will serve a green drink with dinner as well.  I keep an assortment of spinach, mixed salad greens, kale and collards in my fridge and I always have organic apples and pears on my counter in easy reach of the blender.  My kids will tell you that some blends are better than others — but amazingly enough, they always drink them.  (editor’s note — dandelion greens are full of amazing nutrients but a little goes a long way in the flavor department!)

So when I picked up this book — I was looking for recipes.  I sort of open my fridge and see what I have.  These were great to look through and I hope to keep track of some of them to experiment with in the future.  I am sure my kids will appreciate it!

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